Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning
Inheritance tax is perhaps the most disliked of all taxes. People having worked hard and paid income tax and capital gains taxes throughout their lives are then subject to perhaps the heaviest tax of all, upon their death.
Here at Renton Wealth Management Ltd, we work closely with clients to reduce or even avoid paying ‘death duties’. Inheritance tax is considered a voluntary tax, because with the right planning the tax can certainly be reduced and with the right planning early on, even avoided altogether.
Inheritance Tax can be a complicated subject that can leave family members and loved ones paying significantly more in tax than necessary. We will explain how to help your children inherit more and give them the best future possible. By working with you we can ensure your hard work passes from one generation to the next.
HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen. Inheritance tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct authority.